The DogMan
We know about many superhuman such as Spiderman, Batman,
Superman etc. But today we will about a man who is not normal human. His superpower
is “Love for Animal”. He is “Dogman” who lives in a town of Bangladesh. He has no relatives in the world.
He lives with street dogs. He think, dogs are his relatives and friends. Every
body of the town call him “The Dog-Man”. No one know any more about him. I was amazed when I saw
him. He is sleeping beside a street and few dogs are sleeping with him. I
noticed a small dusty dog was playing with him. I am surprise to see the
affection and relation between them. There are more than thousands of street
dog in this town. People hate them very much. All time they survive a horrible
life and suffers by man. But “The Dogman” shows different from them.
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